Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Day 1: Zija SmartMix

Well, I received my SmartMix today. I'm excited to get back on it. I know last time, despite my skepticism, it worked nicely. I have Type 1 diabetes and it did well to quickly bring down my blood sugars. I had increased energy within the week. And that made my mood happier. 

I think my status as a distributer had expired so I'm not doing this for sales. I'm doing this because I want people to see how it worked for ME. It could work better or worse for them. With experience as an RN I've been trained to see things objectively. But I also hope for the best.

My biggest concerns: Pain, joint inflammation, blood sugar, and the exhaustion coming from all of those combined. 

I thought I might mention, I decided to buy some of that stuff from V8. The healthy green blend. I've always lived traditional V8 since I was a kid. I know veggies are good for you. I've always been interested in "juicing" but haven't tried it. I suppose this stuff is supposed to mimic that idea. 

I read reviews online talking about it's blend of spinach, yellow carrots, etc. Green apple & pineapple has been added to make the taste better. Honestly, the sludge at the bottom has me hoping for "nutrition". I couldn't believe how many bad reviews it got for taste! I was a little worried I wasted $4. 

So, I chilled it and poured a little in a glass. "Just suck it up" I told myself. Took a deep breath and drank... And drank... And drank. This stuff was good! Those reviewers were crazy. I don't like my juices (orange, apple, grape) straight usually. I serve them over heavy shaved ice and add a third of water to my glass. Even the "No added sugar" types. I could possibly do that with this, but it's not bad. They don't add sugar to this stuff. The pineapple is sweet enough. It's a very light & pleasant blend. It's a good veggie drink. If you like pineapple and green apple, I HIGHLY recommend the V8 Healthy Green. 

Of course, because this isn't pure juicing, you don't get the good fiber that comes with it. I'd be interested in one day buying a juicer and copycatting this mixture. Absolutely delicious! :-)

I do not have any disclaimers because I have nothing to gain from this honest post. I do not work for V8 and I'm not part of any promotions. So that's my non-disclaimer disclaimer lol