Saturday, June 27, 2015

Featuring: Lex's Buggy Art

This is one that I saw on Facebook and "Liked". Over time I would notice these gorgeous pictures posting on my timeline and I soon took a notice to the page alot more. I flipped through picture after picture of Amish-themed art. Just my type! Nothing extremely flashy, heavily detailed. Just comfortable, picturing a quiet, simple life of the Amish. 

Let me take you into my mind when looking at these. Breathing slowly, more relaxed, away from the stress and demand of English life. Standing outside in an Amish community. Nothing but quiet farmland everywhere. Walking to the barns, observing the animals, watching the sunrise, and hearing children laugh as they chase each other to the one room school house. That's how my personal Amish experiences have been, and although Amish life (like all) isn't perfect, it's the most "fitting" for me. 

I recently had a mini-interview with the artist, Lexie, to discover what was the inspiration, the beginning of it all:

"My motivation for starting these paintings came about approx.. 8 years ago.

I was living in Florida and painting colorful abstracts motivated by the area. I sold at art shows, in N.Y., Michigan, and other parts of the country, I also donated those abstract by requests to various auctions.

I had seen something about the Amish on the Oprah show that moved me to learn more about them…it was about how their faith in God motivated how they lived…this was why they were so peaceful no matter what the circumstances.

I wanted some of that peace..."

I can definitely understand that feeling of peace. I think it's keeping life simpler and slower-paced life some of us crave. Some are big city people who thrive off the lights, sounds, the energy. Some people are the exact opposite. Many are in-between. 

"While shopping in a local Walmart one day I found myself in the book section and saw some books by Beverly Lewis…I reached for the books like I was taking my last meal…lol…and after reading them I was hooked on the Amish and their lifestyle and never looked back."

Although fiction books are, well, fiction, they are wonderful to read! I often get audiobooks from Audible and lose myself in the stories. I'm definitely not a romance fan, but I admit, Amish romance. Ahhhh. I like :-)

"...Because of my admiration, and respect for the Amish I decided to start a series of Amish buggy paintings which I did on small pieces of found wood.

I found that I felt an incredible peace while painting these buggy scenes and my customers told me the same thing.

I thought if I could offer that same peace to others who view these paintings than that would be a good thing..."

You've definitely brought me peace with your paintings! Pulls you in completely!

"...Surprisingly to me I sold them out very quickly in Florida…and now about 8 years later and back home on Long Island N.Y. I am still painting them on found wood, still enjoying the process, and love the feedback, and stories of how my paintings reminded my customers of special moments in Amish country.

I do still continue to paint and sell my abstracts, but I have a special heart for my Amish paintings..."

There are 3 different pages on Facebook. I encourage everyone to take a look at them and "Like" them. There is a different style of art page and one called "Lexie's Soaps"! How cool and crafty?! Links are below. 

She wraps up by saying, 

"There are some prices listed for all my work but since I paint in various sizes most of my customers PM me or email me for the details of pricing." 

I hope you all love the assortment and quality of everything. I hope to find more treasures out there! 

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